The Crafty Mom Collective

Free BYOC bring your own craft night in Edmonton, Canada. Come to chat, craft and connect with moms!

When is BYOC night?

Every Monday 4PM to 6PM excluding holidays at The Fourth on the second level of Southgate Centre.

Upcoming craft nights:

February 10 & 24

February 10 includes a free facilitated craft with Cindy, owner of Love Dincy. She will bring supplies for the craft so you can do it for free! Cindy will also have a take home craft kit you can purchase. You are welcome to bring your own craft to do if you do not participate in the facilitated craft.

March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31

Do I need to sign up?

This is a free, drop in craft night with no registration needed.

What should I bring?

You can bring anything from knitting to a colouring book or a painting kit! Whatever you’d like to work on.

Will there be facilitated crafts?

On occasion, we may have craft night facilitated. These will always be optional as far as participation goes. More details will be provided prior to the event. Please note, some facilitated crafts may have a fee associated with it.

Do I need to participate in the facilitated crafts?

No, you do not need to participate in facilitated crafts. Please bring your own craft to work on.


If you have more questions about craft night, please email